

Based on ABraCadabra’s unique planning system and telescopic restorative concepts, our Tele-Magnetic Abutments allow restoring implants in any angle and depth with completely parallel magnetic abutments – for a simple clinical workflow with implant-supported removable overdentures.

core innovation

A Magnet Uniquely Designed for Every Implant

By combining an individually-designed transgingival collar with unique supragingival parallel and telescopic magnetic attachments, we achieve optimal seating and retention of your patient’s implant-supported overdenture, no matter the number of implants, their positions, or angles; together with passive support, comfort, and functionality.


excellent and easy retention.
by any dentist.
any time.

a single clinical workflow

Simple, Repeatable, and Predictable Magnetic Overdentures

The Plug&Play revolutionary concept allows any dentist to reach expert-level restorative results in a few simple, repeatable steps. Tele-Magnetic Abutments are the natural development of this concept, combining all the benefits of Plug&Play telescopy with magnetic retention. 

Plug&Play brings True Telescopic Retention-the Holy Grail of dentistry-to every clinic, making it easily acces­sible for every dentist.


Better than Precision Attachments + Zero-Maintenance

ABraCadabra’s Tele-Magnetic Abutments are custom planned for every implant to be completely parallel to each other. The abutments combine parallel walls and a definitive 90-degree shoulder, to ensure seating of your denture, with strong magnetic retention. And there are no silicon caps to replace!

Tele-Magnetic Abutments – a unique individual magnetic restorative system.

A simple workflow, combining the biomechanical advantages of telescopic restorations with innovative digital processing and magnetic overdenture retention.